Writer, Theatre Maker, Translator

A play about mental health and well-being. 2 parts


Heck No was written and developed in collaboration with Teater Hekate members Minerva Peijari, My Ström and Frida Wickholm. The play was produced by Teater Hekate in collaboration with Psykosociala Förbundet, a grassroots mental health organisation, and premiered in November 2019. The show has since toured in various parts of Finland.

The play is structured as a lecture gone wrong: two self-proclaimed “experts” on mental health experts, Lara Kraft and Bella Dagengrip arrive to give a self-help lecture on how to defend yourself against anxieties and self-doubt. The speakers’ own anxieties eventually get the upper hand, and the lecture ends with the two developing a new perspective on mental health.

“Det fina med den här övningen är att man känner sig både lugnare och mer energisk efter att man gjort den. Eller hur, Lara? Visst känns det bättre?”

Bella Dagengrip, Heck No

Image featuring Frida Wickholm and Minerva Peijari. Photographer: Antonia Stenfelt. All rights reserved to Teater Hekate

Dramaturg At Svenska Teatern

Dramaturg and Project Lead at the Finnish-Swedish National Stage


Translation from Finnish to Swedish
Original title: Valvojat (The Overseers)